Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Somebody stop the world

I know that I posted this back in January when I wrote it but I have really been feeling this way alot lately. thought I would share again.

Somebody Stop the world

Somebody stop the world,
I want to go back.

I want to go back ,
Before cancerTurned our world upside down.

I want to go back
this wasn't supposed to happen to us,
not to you .

I want to go back ,
To our carefree daysAnd future plans.

I want to go back
before doctors and chemo and losing your hair

I want to go back,
When you were so strong
You seemed invincible

I want to go back,
When I didn't cry every dayfor fear of losing you.

I want to go back ,
To where people didn't avoid meBecause they don't know what to say.

I want to go back ,
To when we still had forever
And weren't living on borrowed time.

I want to go back ,
To a point in my lifeI wasn't so angry with God.

It wasn't that long ago,
Though it seems like forever
Somebody stop the world,
I want to go back…………………


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